Monday, April 26, 2010

Over Halfway Through the Book

The meeting takes place at Taipei 101, Taiwan. Billy Kong and Artemis exchange their ransom and as soon as Minerva reaches Artemis, they hustle her away to the elevator. When N1 reaches Billy Kong though, N1 one does as he was instructed by Artemis and waits until they are in the elevator then dropping the piece of silver that had anchored him to this world and disappears. He reappears nearby, because of the large mass of silver nearby and Holly attaches a new silver bracelet to him. They go down to the art hall and find the warlock statue where N1 rescues Qwan, a warlock who helped create the time spell that sent Hybris into Limbo, from his stone imprisonment. Billy Kong finds them there and Butler knocks him and the rest of his gang unconscious. Holly, N1 and Artemis take the bomb that is ticking away, away from the building but the weight is too much for Holly's wings so Artemis unstraps N1's silver bracelet and they go zooming back to Hybris, the demon island in Limbo.

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