Sunday, April 25, 2010

Continuing the Book

N1 is introduced to us and we learn that he is actually an imp that has never "warped", matured, to become a demon. The demon's leader, Abbot convinces N1 to take off his silver piece that anchors him to his world and disappear. On Earth, Holly sneaks aboard the train that the kidnappers are on and stays with them until they reach there destination of Nice. Holly does find out that the little girl is in charge of the bodyguards and that her name is Minerva. Holly tries to break out N1 in the beginning but only ends up being captured herself. Then Holly breaks out of the mansion with N1 and Artemis and the gang get away. Billy Kong, a nasty bodyguard, wants the demons back because he believes that they killed his older brother so he holds Minerva hostage and Artemis calls to set up an exchange of N1 for Minerva.

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