Thursday, April 22, 2010

First Impressions

I will start first off by saying that I have read the first couple of books in the Artemis Fowl series so I am definitely looking forward to seeing what new adventures that Artemis is going to be plunged into. The first thing that you notice about the book is that it's about Artemis Fowl and called "The Lost Colony." Now there are several possibilities to what is actually being referred to as "The Lost Colony", but I believe that it's referring to some tribe or group of beings that has not been seen or heard from in a very long time. Also there is a human looking creature, that is very faded away, with an outstretched hand that is a little bit more in focus than the rest of it's body. This seems to symbolize that something is going to appear out of nowhere. That's all for now, more to come soon.

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