Tuesday, April 27, 2010

In Conclusion

The book in my opinion kept up with the normal Artemis Fowl high pace action and suspense and is definitely worth reading again. It is a fantasy book so it is only for some audiences, but those who do enjoy those types of books have to read the Artemis Fowl series in my opinion. I was right in the beginning with my assumption about the lost beings and something appearing out of nowhere. And that is my review of "Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony."

The Ending of the Book

After The three of them end back up on Hybris, Abbot and the rest of the demons come up to the volcano where the three landed and Qwan accuses Abbot of using magic in the form of mesmer, mind control. Abbot then orders the rest of the demons to attack the three but they are scared away by some magic tricks by N1. Abbot tries to kill everybody but doesn't succeed and they knock him out in order to use him and his magic to transport Hybris back to Earth in the present day and time. Qweffor, another warlock who helped create the spell that moved Hybris into Limbo, then appears because he has been hidden inside of Abbot's body and Artmeis, who stole a bit of magic when the three made the journey to Hybris, Qwan, Holly, N1 and Abbot/ Qweffor supply magic and Qwan turns the bombs exploding energy into magic and uses it to take them back to Earth. On the way back Holly and Artemis actually exchange one eye and Artemis accidentally ends up three years in the future. After returning, Artemis goes to see Butler at his beach house and finds out that he is now an older brother of twins.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Over Halfway Through the Book

The meeting takes place at Taipei 101, Taiwan. Billy Kong and Artemis exchange their ransom and as soon as Minerva reaches Artemis, they hustle her away to the elevator. When N1 reaches Billy Kong though, N1 one does as he was instructed by Artemis and waits until they are in the elevator then dropping the piece of silver that had anchored him to this world and disappears. He reappears nearby, because of the large mass of silver nearby and Holly attaches a new silver bracelet to him. They go down to the art hall and find the warlock statue where N1 rescues Qwan, a warlock who helped create the time spell that sent Hybris into Limbo, from his stone imprisonment. Billy Kong finds them there and Butler knocks him and the rest of his gang unconscious. Holly, N1 and Artemis take the bomb that is ticking away, away from the building but the weight is too much for Holly's wings so Artemis unstraps N1's silver bracelet and they go zooming back to Hybris, the demon island in Limbo.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Continuing the Book

N1 is introduced to us and we learn that he is actually an imp that has never "warped", matured, to become a demon. The demon's leader, Abbot convinces N1 to take off his silver piece that anchors him to his world and disappear. On Earth, Holly sneaks aboard the train that the kidnappers are on and stays with them until they reach there destination of Nice. Holly does find out that the little girl is in charge of the bodyguards and that her name is Minerva. Holly tries to break out N1 in the beginning but only ends up being captured herself. Then Holly breaks out of the mansion with N1 and Artemis and the gang get away. Billy Kong, a nasty bodyguard, wants the demons back because he believes that they killed his older brother so he holds Minerva hostage and Artemis calls to set up an exchange of N1 for Minerva.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Beginning

The book opens with Artemis Fowl in Barcelona, Spain waiting to find out if a demon will appear there because he apparently has been wrong several times before this so he waits patiently and shows off his mental prowess once again to Butler. They are just about to leave when it appears late and a few feet off target, as it lands Artemis grabs it and it pulls him into another time but Butler pulls him back since Butler is safely weighed to our dimension because he is wearing silver. They head back to the house. Holly, a fairy, is nearly killed doing Private Investigator work and Folly, a centaur who is a technology whiz, gets her to join Section Eight, a secret demon watching task force of the fairy police, provisionally after that. Artemis then goes to an opera house wear he watches another demon appear but this time Holly is there with him and follows the people who capture the demon. That's all I've read so far so I'll add more when I read more.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

First Impressions

I will start first off by saying that I have read the first couple of books in the Artemis Fowl series so I am definitely looking forward to seeing what new adventures that Artemis is going to be plunged into. The first thing that you notice about the book is that it's about Artemis Fowl and called "The Lost Colony." Now there are several possibilities to what is actually being referred to as "The Lost Colony", but I believe that it's referring to some tribe or group of beings that has not been seen or heard from in a very long time. Also there is a human looking creature, that is very faded away, with an outstretched hand that is a little bit more in focus than the rest of it's body. This seems to symbolize that something is going to appear out of nowhere. That's all for now, more to come soon.